Below a video that consists of our team's work so far.
Jess Johnson: Cinematography (more coming soon)
Nia Coffer: Environment Builds
Environment Pre-Vis Breakdowns
Below is our first environment. The plan is to have this environment at the beginning of our film with a sweeping aerial camera move similar to that of the opening of James Cameron's 2009 Avatar. This environment will be covered with be engulfed in atmosphere and vegetation.

Heightmap for Environment 1

Once I imported the heightmap, I found a few issues. Up-close the environment gets pixelated. I tried fixing it in Photoshop but that didn't work very well. The plan is to go in and manually smooth and flatten those parts. Importing the trees and vegetation into Unreal after fixing the pixilation issues is top priority.
Below is the second environment in our project. This environment will be the base for our closeup shots.
We chose to create the second environment for a few reasons. One of the reasons was to allow Jess to create dynamic camera moves based on Disney's 1999 Tarzan. This will also highlight the lighting and hero assets created for this project that will differ from the first environment.

Heightmap for Environment 2

Again the pixilation is an issue but will be corrected with manual smoothing and flattening. Adding the vegetation assets into this environment will be a priority after those issues are fixed.
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