The image below is a concept by Jason Horley for the 1999 Disney film Tarzan. This concept is the first biggest inspiration for our landscape. While it's not heavily detailed, the sharp and rounded shapes within the mountains are complimented with the various other elements of the jungle. It seems to be set as a nest which is very intriguing.

Tarzan Concept by Jason Horley
In doing research, The Napali Coast in Kaui takes a lot of visual similarities to the concept by Jason Horley. The ridges are very apparent especially when shadows are cast by the sun in different positions. The greenery throughout the facade would be a fun texture to create in 3D.

Since this is my first time using Unreal, I've found tutorials on YouTube have been the most helpful to get me situated and experimenting with world building. The tutorial I found the most helpful recently has been How to use Landmass by UNF Games.
The basic set up of creating a procedural landmass is greatly articulated and I quickly got the information I needed to create my first landmass.