First things first...some history on the Regency Era
The Regency Era was actually a very short lived era. It lasted from 1811-1820 (less than 10 years). This period of time was when King George III of Great Britain was considered too mentally ill to rule and his son, George IV, stepped in to rule as regent (hence the Regency Era).
King George III (National Portrait Gallery - London)
King George III (National Portrait Gallery - London)
King George IV (National Portrait Gallery - London)
King George IV (National Portrait Gallery - London)
These are my reference boards for the Regency dress in terms of style and color palette. 
Since I've never used Marvelous Designer before I have to start from square one which means lots of introductory tutorials
Below are a few rough tests I did just to play making a rough top and turning it into a dress. There's a lot to improve on but after a few hours a day I feel more comfortable using the software. More explorations for the dress to come later on.
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