As a reminder, I'm making a Regency inspired dress. Below are my references
I researched pattern online and found a few sites had some great patterns. I also watched some Youtube streams and tutorials to just get me in the mindset of the best ways to approach pattern making and historical clothing in Marvelous Designer. 
With a great pattern I ended up creating the dress in Marvelous designer. I did find a few easier ways to create the skirt part of the dress. To make the skirt of the dress I just connect 2 pieces of fabric instead of 4 pieces of fabric. It did look too simple, although it was the correct style, so I added 4 pieces to make train to mimic the original print.
The hardest part was creating the top and having it fit well on the model. I had to play with different kinds of friction on the base mesh for the top to fit properly and not slip. Connecting the sleeves was ok but I had to remember to double the size of the sleeves so that they would have enough fabric to puff. I added a little pressure to add a little extra form.
Current Pattern
Current Pattern
I was able to render out a simple turntable with the dress and well as a turntable where the character was posed to see how the fabric would create tension around the body.

No Rig Turntable

Rigged  Pose Turntable

Overall, I like the dress. I think this was a great way to learn the ins and outs of Marvelous Designer. I'm still going to tweak the silhouette of the train and maybe even the sleeves. I'll definitely know more when I start texturing what needs more finessing but for now this is looking solid.
Rigged Pose - Skin & Lighting Test
Rigged Pose - Skin & Lighting Test
No Rig - Skin & Lighting Test (Front)
No Rig - Skin & Lighting Test (Front)
No Rig - Skin & Lighting Test (Back)
No Rig - Skin & Lighting Test (Back)
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